Christgau M, Moder D, Drobnik W, Schmitz G, Gläßl M, Hiller K-A, Schmalz G: Wachstumsfaktorengehalt im autologen Thrombozytenkonzentrat und dessen Korrelation zu parodontalen Regenerationsergebnissen. DZZ 60 (2005), 4: 225-231
Ruhl S, Moder D, Schmalz G: Pathophysiologie der entzündlichen Parodontalerkrankungen. In Straub RH (Hrsg.): Lehrbuch der klinischen Pathophysiologie komplexer chronischer Krankheiten. Band 2. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen (2006)
Christgau M, Moder D, Hiller K-A, Dada A, Schmitz G, Schmalz G: Growth factors and cytokines in autogenous platelet concentrate and their correlation to periodontal regeneration outcomes. J Clin Periodontol 33 (2006), 11: 837-845 [Impact factor 2,38]
Christgau M, Moder D, Wagner J, Gläßl M, Hiller K-A, Wenzel A, Schmalz G: Influence of autogenous platelet concentrate on the healing of intrabony defects following GTR therapy. A randomized prospective clinical split-mouth study. J Clin Periodontol 33 (2006), 12: 908-921 [Impact factor 2,38]
Moder D: Methoden zur Bearbeitung von Wurzeloberflächen: Auswahlkriterien für das geeignete Instrumentarium. BZB (2007), 6: 46-48
Moder D: PRP in der Parodontologie: Beeinflussen Thrombozytenkonzentrate die parodontale Regeneration? Kritische Wertung der wissenschaftlichen Datenlage. BZB (2007), 6: 53-55
Wagner J, Kaminski WE, Aslanidis C, Moder D, Hiller K-A, Christgau M, Schmitz G, Schmalz G: Prevalence of OPG and IL-1 gene polymorphisms in chronic periodontitis. J Clin Periodontol 34 (2007), 10: 823-827 [Impact factor 2,678]
Schenke F, Federlin M, Hiller KA, Moder D, Schmalz G: Controllled, prospective, randomized, clinical evaluation of partial ceramic crowns inserted with RelyX Unicem with or without selective enamel etching. 1-year results. Am J Dent 23 (2010), 5: 240-246 [Impact factor 1,310]
Schenke F, Federlin M, Hiller K-A, Moder D, Schmalz G: Controlled, prospective, randomized, clinical evaluation of partial ceramic crowns inserted with RelyX Unicem with or without selective enamel etching. Results after 2 years. Clin Oral Invest 16 (2011), 2: 451-461 [Impact factor 2,364]
Moder D, Taubenhansl F, Hiller K-A, Schmalz G, Christgau M: Influence of autogenous platelet concentrate on combined GTR/graft therapy in intrabony defects: a 7-year follow-up of a randomized prospective clinical split-mouth study. J Clin Periodontol 39 (2012), 5: 457-465 [Impact factor 3,688]
Tabenski L, Moder D, Cieplik F, Schenke F, Hiller K-A, Buchalla W, Schmalz G, Christgau M: CAntimicrobial photodynamic therapy vs. local minocycline in Addition to non-surgical therapy of deep periodontal pockets: a controlled randomized clinical trial. Clin Oral Invest 21 (2017), 7: 2253-2264 [Impact factor 2,386]